Targets Your Metatarsal Region !
Metatarsal Gel Pads Provides Symptomatic Relief from all types of your Forefoot problems in the Metatarsal region, including:
- Metatarsalgia, Morton’s Neuroma, Sesamoiditis, Blisters, Corns, Calluses, Healing Fracture, Post-surgery, Broken Metatarsals, Forefoot sensitivity & tenderness
- Long-standing and walking activities that put excessive pressure on the ball of your foot
Shoes suitability !
Metatarsal Gel Pads can be used with almost all kinds of footwear. However, Insole Clinic strictly recommends following the instructions to achieve maximum comfort and appropriate fit.
- Loosen the laces or straps of your shoe to make some room for the Metatarsal Pads thickness.
- Wear a thin sock over the Metatarsal Pads to minimise the thickness within the shoes if you are wearing closed end shoes.
- To prevent & reduce slipping, we recommend wearing a comfortably tight sock over the gel pad to hold it in place.
- Ensure your foot is clean.
- Hold Metatarsal Gel Pads with both hands so that the toe hole is facing towards the second toe.
- Ensure stretch loop fits the second toe firmly and thin round gel pad protects the metatarsal region of the foot.
- Make sure the gel pad is placed correctly to achieve maximum benefit.
- To maintain the correct fit, avoid stretching the Metatarsal Gel Pads excessively.
- Sprinkling baby powder may also reduce slipping. Do Not use bare feet.